Here at Lewandowski Chiropractic, we are proud to help our patients live better, pain-free lives.
We truly believe that no one deserves to live in pain, even as they age. We will do everything we can to ensure that our patients are comfortable. We are proud to help people heal after an accident or injury and diminish any unwanted discomfort.
We are experts in the field of Chiropractic and our reputation is based upon our skills and integrity. If your is a problem we can help we will, if not we will refer you to an appropriate health care provider where you can get some help. We maintain a close working relationship with other medical specialists, diagnostic centers and local hospitals and refer appropriately when those services are required for the patient. Our reputation is to accept only those patients we can help through our expertise. Our primary concern is patient care while our secondary concern is to provide this care in a cost effective and expedient manner. We are committed to your health and wellness. Our practice continues to grow based upon the the word of mouth referrals that we receive.
The spine is an important and integral part of your body, and any mechanical injuries in your back have the potential to affect many different parts of your body, sometimes areas that may seem completely unrelated. We will be able to determine where your problem lies and discuss the various treatments available.
Even after just a few treatments, you will be amazed at how much better you feel! You lose your pain or discomfort and will gain mobility. Chiropractic care can really make a world of difference to you!
If you have any questions about how we can get you out of pain or improve your overall quality of life, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (973) 402-1331. All you have to lose are your aches and pains.